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Our Workforce: The Scary Truth And A Treat For You

It’s coming, and it’s bigger than Y2K and that asteroid NASA says “could” hit the earth in 2032. This is real, and you need to prepare; it’s going to change the way you, and everyone else, works. There will be no near-misses or “oops we were wrong”, and you’ll need to do more than buy a backup generator and bury your gold to get ready for the changes coming, so listen up; we’re talking about your workforce. We’re talking about the workforce crisis.

It’s coming, and it’s bigger than Y2K and that asteroid NASA says “could” hit the earth in 2032. This is real, and you need to prepare; it’s going to change the way you, and everyone else, works. There will be no near-misses or “oops we were wrong”, and you’ll need to do more than buy a backup generator and bury your gold to get ready for the changes coming, so listen up; we’re talking about your workforce. We’re talking about the workforce crisis.

That’s right, we used the c-word, and we hope it got your attention.

By the year 2020, there will be 5 generations in the workforce, but by 2015 the majority of that workforce will be in their 20s. What they want, how they work and what they expect from you as an employer is changing the way we work. Are you prepared for the largest shift in human capital this country has ever seen? Are you prepared to recruit the new talent and stay relevant to survive this shift?

There’s not much time left. Don’t be lulled by future dates like 2015; time moves quickly. You need to have a plan in action within the next year or 2015 will round the corner and find you out of business.

To help you put this all in perspective, we’ve created a free ebook download: “Scary Workforce Stats 2013: 52 reasons why it’s the end of work as we know it“, to help you understand why we’re concerned about your future. We hope they’ll not only scare you a little, but also help you generate ideas and perspectives on how you can change and secure your organization’s future.

Take a look and join in the conversation on Twitter using hashtag #ScaryStats13 to let the world know how you’re fighting back against certain destruction.


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