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Best Buy To Receive Award For Engaging X And Y At Work

On October 20, 2009, business leaders from across the country will be attending the RockStars@Work Conference in Minneapolis–the nation’s first generation-themed business conference—to learn how to relate to the next generation of workers and address the approaching talent gap in America’s workforce.

Cargill, I Love Rewards, Greater Mankato Growth will also be honored

On October 20, 2009, business leaders from across the country will be attending the RockStars@Work Conference in Minneapolis–the nation’s first generation-themed business conference—to learn how to relate to the next generation of workers and address the approaching talent gap in America’s workforce.

The RockStars@Work Conference is expected to draw in 600 business and non-profit leaders who want to learn how to bridge the talent gap, obtain tools for succession planning, and learn about the workforce trends preferred by younger generations.

The conference will feature an awards ceremony, at which Best Buy, Cargill, I Love Rewards, and Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. will be honored for their exceptional efforts at bridging the talent gap.

Retail technology company Best Buy (BBY) will receive the Rockin’ the Future Award, an exclusive award recognizing a company’s steadfast dedication to the development of young talent within its organization.

To be eligible for the honor, Best Buy had to meet specific criteria, including the placement of young professionals (under 40) in key leadership or decision-making roles; active training programs to aid young professionals in reaching their career goals; and an outreach effort targeting college-aged students or younger.

Best Buy’s notable talent development efforts include:

·         @15, a social change platform that creates personal growth opportunities for teens;

·         Gamma Girls, a network of teenage girl consumers that help Best Buy solve business problems;

·         Geek Squad Summer Academy,  which gives students ages 9 to 18 hands-on experience with technology;

·         The Learning Lounge, a one-stop training resource that employees can access from any Internet browser;

·         Plus the representation of young leadership throughout the enterprise and career paths suited to the strengths, talents, and passions of each employee.

“At Best Buy we truly believe in the power of our people. This is a core philosophy at Best Buy. We understand great ideas can come from anywhere and anyone, therefore we recognize employees based on their contribution and talent regardless of age or other demographic criteria,” stated Carolyn Aberman, senior manager of public relations for Best Buy.

“Young leadership has strong representation throughout our enterprise; in corporate headquarters, in the field and in our stores. Many of our stores’ general managers fall in the under forty category and are responsible for managing stores that are the equivalent to running a large multi-million dollar company.”

Cargill and I Love Rewards will receive Next Generation Employer of Choice Awards for extraordinary–and proven—methods for reaching a younger workforce.

Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. Founded in 1865, the privately held company employs 160,000 people in 67 countries. The company is receiving an award for its strengths‐based, entry‐level talent development, internship, and rotational program for IT which resulted in 100% employee retention.

I Love Rewards, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is a provider of web-based rewards and recognition programs. The average age of an I Love Rewards employee is 29 years old. The company is receiving an award for not only creating a company culture that successfully recruits, retains, and manages Gen Y talent–but also providing solutions to help their clients engage Gen Y talent, too.

Greater Mankato Growth, Inc., a fusion of a chamber of commerce and economic development corporation based in Mankato, Minnesota, will receive a Next Generation Community Impact Award for creating successful workforce development initiatives.

As a college community, Mankato was concerned about the volume of students who left the Mankato region within two years of graduation.Greater Mankato Growth is receiving an award for its comprehensive talent development initiatives ranging from middle school students to young professionals and including career expos, leadership academies, internship programs, campus fairs, and a young professionals group.

“With 40% of America’s workforce eligible to retire in 2010 and professionals under the age of 35 spending an average of 20 months on a job, the talent gap is a serious concern,” stated Sarah Sladek, president and CEO of Limelight Generations, the generational company hosting the RockStars@Work Conference.

“These organizations deserve to be recognized for their efforts in bridging the gap and engaging the next generation. They have secured a future for themselves and for others which is incredibly important. I hope other organizations will realize that they, too, can make a difference in their businesses, industries, and communities simply by taking the time to focus on the future.”

For more information about the RockStars@Work Conference, go to


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