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Kick Your Organization’s Old Habits: Tips For Creating A Better Work Culture

Your organization is doing what it does because it’s always worked for you, or has it? It’s time to look to the future instead of putting too much stock in the past. 

Your old habits might be holding you back. Kick ’em to the curb and develop a future work culture that will sustain your organization and grow future talent.

Create a new, better work culture

Work culture significantly contributes to how happy your employees are and how much new talent wants to join your organization. Is your culture outdated? It might be, and changing it can be tricky but essential.

Consider these new habits to create a positive work culture that will attract and help retain the best employees:

  1. Remember, culture leaders, come from all levels of the organization, not just the top.

  2. Establish a meaningful bonus system for those who go above and beyond.

  3. Be social, and encourage human interactions.

  4. Let the employees out of their cubes! Develop creative spaces for people to work.

  5. Don’t be afraid to hire people who can do a better job than you.

  6. Get rid of dead weight, negative, unproductive employees.

Get rid of dead weight. I’m sure you’ve worked with someone you felt wasn’t doing his or her share. I’ve had a coworker who consistently did a bad job with a bad attitude. Although his issues weren’t a secret from management, he was allowed to keep working until he retired. It left me wondering how little was expected of me and why management didn’t hold everyone to a higher standard. His poor performance made everyone’s job harder and degraded morale.

Getting rid of underperforming employees isn’t always easy, but if you have dead weight in your organization, it will dull even your brightest talent. Make it clear what you expect from your employees and hold them to it. Everyone will appreciate it.

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Make it nice to meet with you

Want your employees to feel like you value them? Don’t waste their time. Run efficient meetings. Well-run meetings mean your employees are more focused on getting you better results:

  1. Create focus by banning mobile devices (or at least silencing them).

  2. Don’t let tangents run wild! Stay on topic.

  3. Get creative with the invitation list.

  4. Keep track of what is discussed and follow up.

  5. Change up the location of meetings.

  6. Use the right tools.

  7. If you have nothing on the agenda for a regular meeting, cancel it.

Cancel unnecessary meetings. I recently posted on the Results Only Workplace Environment (ROWE). One of the reasons ROWEs are attractive workplaces is that they eliminate unnecessary meetings and make the necessary ones as focused as possible. Good time management is a significant tool in creating enticing and productive work environments.

We have assembled many tools to assist your organization.

Reconsider your recruiting methods

Although the job market seems bleak, lots of organizations are looking for talented people, and people are looking for organizations. Why aren’t you syncing up? Maybe you need to rethink your hiring methods:

  1. Be sure your “career” page on your website is up to date.

  2. Make sure your job titles and descriptions are timely and relevant.

  3. Ask current employees for referrals for open positions.

  4. Build a community of talent.

  5. Use social media in your recruiting process.

Use social media. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for you to find new talent. This social media platform has recently updated its recruiter tools to make finding talent and inviting them to your company even easier.

I’ve participated in several Twitter chats like #JobHuntChat where job seekers are encouraged to complete a LinkedIn profile. People of all generations are doing it, even the ones not actively seeking new employment. It’s an ideal way to find possible candidates and reach out to them without posting a job description.

We all know that changing bad habits isn’t easy. It isn’t even easy to identify what your bad habits are. Be open when someone points them out to you, and find ways to identify them yourself. Consider what is routine in your organization. Look at your processes and ask why they are what they are and if they need updating. While it might not be easy, you can break bad habits, which means good things for your organization now and in the future.


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